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Business Models for Open Source Hardware Repositories

Published: 30.08.2023

by Joshua M Pearce


Free and open source hardware repositories provide massive public good, but funding their operation
has proven tenuous with conventional business models. This study evaluates business models
to foster that public good. Business models for online design repositories are reviewed and a new
model is conceptualized to fund repository operations. The greatest added value an open hardware
repository brings to the user-developer community is validation and vetting of the designs. A business
model was proposed that uses revenue from the vetting process to fund validation studies and
sustainable operations of the open hardware repository itself. As the return on investment of laterally-
scaled open hardware that can leverage distributed manufacturing has the potential for creating
enormous value, maintaining repositories for this hardware enables vast wealth generation for
everyone. This is the first study specifically focused on ways to ensure economic sustainability of
open hardware repositories.

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