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Platform-Based Business Models in Future Mobile Operator Business

Published: 09.12.2021

by Seppo Yrjölä , Petri Ahokangas , Marja Matinmikko-Blue


Purpose: As an emerging field, the fifth generation, 5G, mobile communications technologies related
business models have only been discussed to a limited extent in the literature, and platform business
models in general have seldom been examined. The purpose of this paper is to explore how to
understand and capture the evolution of future mobile operators’ platform-based business models
in the 5G/6G context?

Approach: Building on economics and engineering traditions, this study utilizes the 4C (connectivity,
content, context, commerce) and the as-a-Service (aaS) digital service business model typologies.
This research follows a cyclical process of research-oriented action research, collecting data
in two phases from the future-oriented World Cafe workshops held at Nokia RadioActive! user group
event in Espoo in November 2017 and 6G Wireless Summit in Levi in March 2019.

Findings: The paper uncovers the extended ecosystemic platform architecture for the business
model and ecosystem research consisting of components, interfaces, data and algorithms.

Value: We are currently lacking a coherent approach for researching ecosystemic platform-based
business models as the extant discussions tend to focus either on ecosystem(ic) features of business
models or platform business models that, however, share common characteristics. The study
adopts a value-based and service-dominant lens focused on business model research at the ecosystemic
level. For the first time, the study introduces the extended ecosystemic platform architecture,
investigating how this business framework can enable the transformation of the 5G.

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